
Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Leon Bonnat paintings and drawings

Léon Joseph Florentin Bonnat (1833 –1922) was a French painter. Hes teachers were Leon Cogniet, Paul Delaroche and Raimundo de Madrazo y Garreta.
Leon Bonnat Wikipedia article
Leon Bonnat at Artcyclopedia
Roman Girl at a Fountain. Close-up
Roman Girl at a Fountain
The Resurrection of Lazarus. 1857
Femmes Fellahs au Lavoir, Caire
Le Martyre de saint André. 1863. 302x230cm
Le martyre de saint Denis. Located at Pantheon
Idylle (Salon de 1900). 202x123cm
Italienne. 1872
Italian Girl with Jug
Prend Fers A
Arab Sheik. 1870. 65x72cm
The Barber of Suez. 1876. 80x58cm
Oil on canvas.
Nature morte au lapin mort. 72x58cm
The Hand of Antoine-Louis Barye
Bonnat - Study for La Lutte de Jacob
Aigle enfonçant ses serres dans le corps dun lapin
1897. 97x124cm
Fountain by the Cathetdral of St. Peter
La Famille de lartiste
Le Bon Samaritain. 247x172cm.
An Egyptian Peasant Woman and
Her Child. 1870
Mother and Daughter
An Egyptian Peasant Woman and Her Child. Close-up
Un couvent au désert. 21x33cm
Apothéose dun saint ou Esquisse
La Martyre de saint André (esquisse). 1861. 45x34cm
Nature morte. Bouquet de fleurs
Vue de San Giorgio Maggiore à Venise (1883). 18x32cm
Tête de son frère enfant,
de profil à droite

Etude dhomme nu debout, vu de dos. 31x24cm
Autoportrait, la tête de trois quarts à droite
for details click below

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